Hello to everyone who has been following this blog for many years - I'm still blogging, I'm just moving over to https://www.claireheffer.com/blog - please continue to follow and let me take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been kind enough to visit over the years. May the lists continue...

Sunday, 9 October 2016


TRIVIA: The movie was shot in part off the Gold Coast of Australia. Other filming commenced in a giant swimming pool.

Jaume Collet-Serra teamed up with the art department for the design of the shark, "I came to the conclusion that the shark had to be female", says the director, "Females are slightly bigger and have great scars from mating, visually they're scarier as they are more protective."

The screenplay for this film was featured in the 2014 Blacklist, a list of the "most liked" unmade scripts of the year.

Nancy's nickname for the seagull is Steven Seagull, which is, of course, a pun on actor Steven Seagal.

For the seagull character of Steven Seagull, the usage of both cgi and using a puppet was considered based on the belief that it would be inordinately hard to train such a bird to act, this "horrified" both producer's Matti Leshem and Lynn Harris who wanted to use an actual seagull while scouting for location in Australia, Blake Lively was able to feed a group of seagulls at which point it was realized that using such a bird would be possible.

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