Hello to everyone who has been following this blog for many years - I'm still blogging, I'm just moving over to https://www.claireheffer.com/blog - please continue to follow and let me take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been kind enough to visit over the years. May the lists continue...

Sunday, 4 June 2017


TRIVIA: In the birthday scene, the cast and crew filmed ten takes singing the normal "Happy Birthday" song before finding out they didn't have the rights to use it. So the song "Ricky Baker, It's your Birthday" was created on the spot by the actors.

Director Taika Waititi makes a cameo as the minister.

The word majestical was used by Shakespeare and appears in Hamlet (Act 1,Scene 1) when Marcellus refers to the departing Ghost's monarchial appearance:
'Tis gone. We do it wrong, being so majestical, To offer it the show of violence, For it is, as the air, invulnerable, And our vain blows malicious mockery.

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