Hello to everyone who has been following this blog for many years - I'm still blogging, I'm just moving over to https://www.claireheffer.com/blog - please continue to follow and let me take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been kind enough to visit over the years. May the lists continue...

Saturday, 4 February 2017


TRIVIA: This is the first time since 1997 that Ewan McGregor and Danny Boyle have worked together (since A Life Less Ordinary (1997)). The two had a falling out when McGregor was passed over for the lead in The Beach (2000) in favor of Leonardo DiCaprio. McGregor stated that they have since reconciled, and that he considers the whole matter "water under the bridge".

Danny Boyle has credited David Bowie with helping to be able to use various hit songs in the original movie inexpensively because he had ties with Lou Reed and Iggy Pop, and helped Boyle out because he was a fan of Shallow Grave. For his own little personal tribute to him following his death, Boyle decided to shoot a moment where Renton goes through his record collection and finds a couple of Bowie's albums.

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