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Sunday 10 March 2019



TRIVIA: The voice of Ace Ventura and the manner in which he speaks, was added by Jim Carreyonly after several read throughs of the script. The voice was something Carrey used in his stand up routine. The "All righty then" was the catch phrase of one of his stand up characters and after the lines from the script weren't feeling right, he added it to the script and read through it again using that voice for all the lines. It was such an improvement that it became the main Ace Ventura personality trait.

Ace Ventura compares Ray Finkle's room to Hannibal Lecter's prison cell from The Silence of the Lambs (1991). 17 years later, in Inside the Actors Studio: Jim Carrey (2011), Jim Carrey recounted that he asked Anthony Hopkins to dinner and discovered that his approach to Ace Ventura was the same as Hopkins' to Hannibal Lecter: they moved like animals. Carrey based Ventura's movement on birds and Hopkins based Lecter's movements on reptiles. Carrey confessed that Hopkins was becoming Hannibal Lecter right at the table.

Rick Moranis turned down the role of Ace Ventura.

According to Tom Shadyac in the DVD commentary, Jim Carrey came up with "Alrighty then" and other lines specifically because he thought they might catch on. The hand gesture Ventura gave before leaving the police station was also something Carrey intended to become popular. It did not.

Jim Carrey had his own personal chef on the set of the film, who also was required to prepare meals for Carrey's pet iguana.

Tom Shadyac's directorial debut.

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