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Monday 11 March 2013

Film 889: Funny Face

Trivia: Fred Astaire's character is based on photographer Richard Avedon. In fact, it is Avedon who set up most of the photography for this film, including the famous face portrait of Audrey Hepburn unveiled during the dark room sequence.

The soggy weather played havoc with the shooting of the wedding dress dance scene. Fred Astaire and Audrey Hepburn were continually slipping in the muddy and slippery grass. Hepburn sings several songs. Her next full musical, My Fair Lady, would see her voice overdubbed, much to her disappointment.

Audrey Hepburn did not want to be separated from her husband Mel Ferrer, so filming of the Paris scenes was timed to coincide with Ferrer's filming of Elena and Her Men (USA title: "Paris Does Strange Things") with Ingrid Bergman. Paris' unseasonably rainy weather had to be worked into the script, particularly during the balloons photo shoot scene. During filming of the Paris scenes, much of the crew and cast were on edge because of riots and political violence that were gripping the city.

Ditzy model Marion is played by Dovima, who was one of the top fashion models of the day and often worked with Richard Avedon.

Audrey Hepburn's terrier appears as the dog in the basket during the "Anna Karenina" train shot.

The little white car that Dick and Maggie drive to the beatnik club is called a VELAM Isetta. They were made between 1955 and 1958. VELAM (Vehicule Leger a Moteur [light vehicle with motor]) was a French company. The French nicknamed the car the "yoghurt pot" because of its looks. It was also known as the "bubblecar", "rolling egg", "little egg" and even "trouser fly" since you could get into the car from the front.

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